


The Five Reiki Principles


  • Just for today, I will not be angry

  •  Just for today, I will not worry

  • Just for today, I will be grateful for my many blessings

  • Just for today, I will do my work honestly

  • Just for today, I will be kind to every living being


The word Reiki derives from the Japanese words “Rei” (universal) and “Ki” (life force energy), meaning universal life force energy. Reiki is a Japanese complimentary form of energy healing that promotes balance of the body, mind and soul. Reiki is gentle, relaxing, meditative and noninvasive. Reiki energy healing sessions can be performed in person or at a distance (known as distance Reiki healing) with the client either sitting or lying down in the supine position. Depending on the Reiki practitioner it may be performed as hands on (laying of the hands along certain (appropriate) areas of the body or hands off (hovering of the hands just above the body) or a combination of both.


In recent years hospitals and surgical centers have been adapting Reiki as a complimentary for of holistic wellness throughout the world. “Reiki treatment soothes the shock and optimizes the body’s innate ability to heal. “And when you are practicing on someone hooked on monitors, the benefits of Reiki are often measurable: improved heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and oxygen saturation” (Reiki Medicine and selfcare with Pamela Miles). This promotes faster healing and the need for less pain medications. Win, win in my book!!!

Benefits of Reiki

·     Stress reduction

·     Promote relaxation

·     Improves mood

·     Promotes the release of tension

·     Promotes the balance between    body, mind and soul

·     Improves focus

·     Improves more restful sleep

·     Promotes the body’s natural self-healing

·     Supports pain reduction

·     Enhances spiritual growth

·     Supports the immune system

·     Improves the healing ofInflammation

Distance Reiki

All Distance Reiki Sessions Include An Initial Chakra Scan, Clearing, Balancing And A Write-Up About The Session Emailed Directly To You.

  • 30 Minute Distance Reiki Session $30.00
  • 4-30 Minute Distance Reiki Sessions Package $100.00
  • 45 Minute Distance Reiki Session $40.00
  • 4-45 Minute Distance Reiki Sessions Package $140.00

30 Minute Distance Reiki

4-30 minute Distance Reiki Sessions Package

45 Minute Distance Reiki Session

4-45 Minute Distance Reiki Sessions Package

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